Avoid shopping on days with high winds. Shopping carts turn into guided missles and the target is always your car. If you have no choice, pick your parking spot wisely, avoid exposing the side of the vehicle, which has no bumper protection. If you drive a small car you may want to park next to a van for shelter or choose a spot more sheltered from carts or upwind from where most carts are. Finally, be alert on the exit of the parking lot as possessed shopping carts will turn on a dime guided by the wind and often hit a moving vehicle. Your not safe from carts until you are out of the store lot!
Lastly, be mindful of the wind direction when you park and try to open your door against the wind or risk having your door bent over its hinges. This happens easier then you think and it happens to people every year, especially here on the windy coast! Once this happens you may not be able to close your door! The risk of opening against the wind is of course being squished in the door, so the strategy isn't perfect. Timing is everything, be careful out there!